“Each of us should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7) NIV
There are a number of different ways that individuals may tithe to our church. The options that are available are:
There is a secure drop box in the foyer in which cheques and cash can be deposited. Please ensure you have your full name and address on your cheque and with your cash for receipting purposes.
You can give by doing an e-Transfer any day of the week. Please use the email give@fbckelowna.com no password is required. If you are sending an e-Transfer for anything other than tithing a short description is helpful.
To utilize pre-authorized debit (PAD) there is an initial requirement to fill out a form authorizing the regular transfer of the tithe to the church bank account. This form can be found on the 'Downloads' link below or you can contact the office for a copy. Once completed, it can be dropped off at the church office or emailed to the office administrator at info@fbckelowna.com. The amount of your tithe can be changed, or pre-authorized debit (PAD) can be stopped by submitting your request to the office administrator. Thirty (30) days notice is required.
To tithe by donating publicly traded shares or mutual funds, or to discuss the rationale for considering this as a tithing option, please contact the office at info@fbckelowna.com and we will get you in touch with a member of the finance committee.
Click the button to give right now.
If you have any questions, please email April Unger at info@fbckelowna.com or phone at (250) 861-5425.